alternative healing modalities are methods and practices that are used in the treatment of disease processes but that have no firm scientific basis and are not recognized by the convectional medical methods. There are two main subclasses into which these treatments fall. The complementary group of alternative modalities which are used along with the convectional methods to assist in management such as the use of acupuncture to reduce surgical pain. The second from is the alternative modality which is an independent non-convectional approach.
The use of these forms of treatment is quickly gaining popularity in many countries including the united states. A recent research showed that about every 4 people out of 10 use some form of this therapy. The reasons suggested for the increasing trend include dissatisfaction with disappointing convectional treatments, the increasing evidence of effectiveness of these methods and the improved communication between nations and cultures on approaches to disease processes.
There are several principles that are fundamental to the practice of these forms of therapies despite lack of scientific approval. One is having a conviction that our body must be viewed and treated as a whole and not just symptoms of diseases. Good health is considered a perfect balance of the body mind and spirit. The other principle is that our body is designed to heal itself and does not need external interventions like surgeries but it eventually heals with good support.
There are five main subtypes under which all alternative practices can be categorized. First group comprises alternative methods, these include approaches like homeopathy, acupuncture, Ayurveda and chiropractic medicine. Homeopathy believes in supporting all aspects of the body to bring health. Ayurveda is an Indian cultural practice that also operates under the principle of supporting the human system holistically. Acupuncture uses sharp pins put in specific points to bring balance in body energy.
The second group includes biological based methods of treatment which includes the use of traditional herbs that have been proved to work from past experiences. Here specific parts of the plant are selected are consumed to bring about the desired effects. This method also include use of specific diets to help manage diseases like low sugar foods to control sugars for diabetics.Next are manipulative and body based methods that involves specific activities like massage where specialist apply therapeutic pressures into the body or specific parts with an aim of bringing relief from stress or fatigue and some form of pain.
Next group is the meditation modalities which involves freeing the mind from thoughts of the surrounding including the present conditions. These approaches mainly treat the mind and include the meditations practice by Buddhists and prayers offered to supreme being who through faith offer solution to human troubles.
Energy therapy is based on the fact that there is a form of energy present in all living things. The energy can thus be influenced in cases of disease by use of magnetic fields to cure the condition. This happens through stimulation of an electric current that prevents noxious stimuli.