One can use special lotions and a tanning salon to gain the beach look. These lotions are specially formulated to make the body react in a way when under the lights. These can create a soft textured, but deep and rich tan that glows.
These lotions are made with ingredients that should help the skin. Even under the best of conditions a tanning process dries the epidermis. This dryness can lead to the dermis flaking and losing the tan.
To make the bronzed appearance last a long time than the flaking must be stopped or at least controlled. The ingredients that are in the lotions help to maintain the moisture levels of the dermis. They are formulated to act on the cells and make them fuller.
They have made these products to appeal to either a man or a woman. Special fragrances are deigned for each sex. Even the package the lotions come in have been made to appeal to the different sensibilities.
Many people are looking to gain that seemingly healthy look of being an active outdoors person. They want the appearance that one gains by working and playing in the sun all day while limiting the potential damage this sun exposure can cause to the body. With Designer Skin, one may achieve the look they want under controlled circumstances.